Available Software

I.T. Services: Available Software

Chemistry IT Shop provides links to available software from the Department, the University and freely available open-source software. The IT Shop manages eligibility and licenses for software purchased by the department for its users, and serves as the liaison for software purchases available from the university. Software desired for personal use is the responsibility of the end user. Chemistry IT Shop will assist users with selecting the appropriate software, system requirements, licenses, quotes, installation and configuration.

Software You Can Download From The Chemistry Department | Chemistry Department Provided
University Provided | UF Apps | Open Source | Useful Tools and Utilities

Software You Can Download From The Chemistry Department

CLICK HERE to view all available software provided by the Department.

Chemistry Department-Provided Software

The following software programs are licensed for the Department of Chemistry. Download links provided below.


Chemdraw Office Suite (Revvity Signals – Formerly Perkin Elmer)

Diamond 3.2g / Diamond 4.1

Available for Windows versions. System Requirements:Personal computer with MS Windows® 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7 (Windows NT® 4.0 on request)

  • License Type: Perpetual
  • License Eligibility: License Eligibility: Chemistry Department Faculty / Graduate Students / Staff
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 (or higher)
  • Pentium® II compatible processor (or higher)
  • 64 MByte of RAM (or more)
  • Graphics resolution of 1024×768 and 16 bit color depth (or higher)
  • CD-ROM drive
  • Hard disk with minimum 100 MB free disk space (or more)
  • Microsoft compatible mouse

Diamond 4.1

HyperChem 8


Mnova Version 14


National Instruments – LabView

Origin 8.5

Chemistry Department Provided | University Provided | UF Apps | Open Source | Useful Tools and Utilities

University-Provided Software

A complete list of campus wide available software can be found here: https://software.ufl.edu. Your Gatorlink ID may be required to obtain software details including order forms.

Chemistry Department Provided | University Provided | UF Apps | Open Source | Useful Tools and Utilities

University Provided Virtual Applications (UF Apps)

The University of Florida UFApps portal provides anytime anywhere access to a host of applications for students only. Faculty may request access to UFApps to verify students are able to complete assignments. Faculty may not use UFapps as an alternative to software licensed for individual/department/college use.

Click here for UFApps. Your Gatorlink ID credentials are required.

Chemistry Department Provided | University Provided | UF Apps | Open Source | Useful Tools and Utilities

Open Source Software

Below are common Open Source applications used in our department. Please read the the end user license agreement before installing any software. In some cases, the software is only free for academic use only and/or permission from the developers is required. Registration may be required. This page is for informational purposes only.

  • Clonezilla Based on DRBL, Partclone and udpcast, allows you to do bare metal backup and recovery of system disks and partitions.
  • CNSsolveHeavy atom searching, experimental phasing (including MAD and MIR), density modification, crystallographic refinement with maximum likelihood targets, and NMR structure calculation using NOEs, J-coupling, chemical shift, and dipolar coupling data.
  • CootMacromolecular model building, model completion and validation, particularly suitable for protein modelling using X-ray data.
  • CygwinA collection of tools which provide a Linux look and feel environment for Windows.
  • Cygwin-XCygwin-based X server for Windows.
  • FreeNXRemote display that provides near local speed and application responsiveness over high latency, low bandwidth links.
  • GabeditGabedit is a graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages like Gamess-US, Gaussian, Molcas, Molpro, MPQC, OpenMopac, Orca, PCGamess and Q-Chem.
  • GParted-Live GParted Live is a small bootable GNU/Linux distribution for x86 based computers which enables you to use all the features of the latest versions of the GParted application such as partition resizing.
  • jEdit Multiplatform plain text editor, including Apple Mac OS X.
  • Notepad++ An awesome plain text editor for Windows.
  • ORCA ORCA is a flexible, efficient and easy-to-use general purpose tool for quantum chemistry with specific emphasis on spectroscopic properties of open-shell molecules.
  • Phenix A software suite for the automated determination of macromolecular structures using X-ray crystallography and other methods.
  • putty SSH and Telnet client for Windows.
  • Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP)MS/MS-based shotgun proteomics analysis.
  • WaterRoof IPFW frontend for Mac OS X written in Applescript and bundled as a Universal Cocoa-Applescript application. It requires Mac OS X 10.5 (PowerPC or Intel) and tested on 10.6.7.
  • WinSCP Windows software to copy files from a remote SSH server (i.e. Getting your NMR files from the lab machines).
  • Xming Windows X server software